Energy Calendar

Giving calendars as corporate gifts gained popularity long ago. They are still in high demand, offering exclusivity while evolving into a unique piece of art. So when we got the commission to create a one-of-a-kind calendar that would amaze recipients, we were thrilled to accept the challenge. The topic to highlight was energy. The client VS Energy is a managing company that operates many businesses in different industries. Therefore, we sought a universal metaphor for managing power with no borders.
Client: VS Energy

Services: Print design, Object design, Copywriting.

Year: 2008
Fire is a comprehensive symbol and an element accessible to everyone. It is pure energy. Since ancient times humans have learned to control fire and build civilizations with its help. Merging all these senses, we devised a calendar made of physical matches. A match corresponds to each day, so the owner has a form of daily energy, and how they use it is up to them.
The calendar's popularity was immense, and the design went viral, generating millions of impressions. The wave of international plagiarism caused by the project's fame was restrained only by a highly complex manufacturing process and mailing restrictions due to the flammable materials. After numerous requests from individual customers, we redesigned the calendar to make its production more efficient and produced it for regular sale.


︎ Epica Awards 2008
Gold in Publication

︎ Kyiv International Advertising Festival 2008
Gold in Graphic design (Calendar)

︎ Kakadu Awards 2009
Gold in Graphic design

︎ REX Gallery 2008
Gold in Graphic design (Calendar)

︎ HOW International Design Annual 2009
Winner in 3D objects
︎ Communication Arts Design Annual 2008
Winner in Miscellaneous

︎ Golden Drum 2008
Silver in Design and art direction

︎ Golden Hammer 2008
Silver in Art direction (Calendar)

︎ ADI Awards Graphic Design Annual 2010
ADI excellent work

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